Better You Spas

Transformation Facelift

Non – Invasive

Transformation Facelift Treatment in Chicago, IL

At better you spas we provide transformation facelift treatments. Located at 1030 N Clark St Suite 310, Chicago, IL 60610, United States. Call us for more information or schedule an appointment online.

Transformation Facelift Treatment in Chicago, IL
Transformation Facelift Treatment in Chicago, IL

Transformation facelifts are a unique amalgamation of ultrasound and radiofrequency technologies, offering a non-invasive procedure to rejuvenate the face and tighten the skin. The ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the skin and simulate an ‘injury,’ essentially tricking the body into producing collagen and elastin, improving the overall health and appearance of the skin.

How long does a facelift last?

It’s important to remember that we’re all unique, meaning every face has its individualities. These nuances have a direct bearing on the longevity of a facelift. A full facelift can last as long as 15 years, although a more realistic timespan can be thought of as averaging around 12 years.

But, as already mentioned, many aspects influence the exact amount of time you’ll benefit from the dramatic youthfulness that a facelift brings. These procedures typically need to be repeated anywhere from 2-6 years down the line as the natural aging process continues.

What does the recovery time after a facelift look like?

While recovery from any facelift procedure will vary somewhat from person to person, it is common for facelift patients to be able to resume most normal activities within one week of their procedure. Post-procedure discomfort may be present for a few days, but can typically be handled through over the counter medications. Swelling and bruising will also be present for one to two weeks after your facelift. Taking time to rest, and following all of our pre and post-procedure directions will help minimize complications.

Although a majority of our patients are able to resume most normal activities, a full facelift can take up to two weeks for a full recovery.

If you are interested in a facelift procedure or just want to look years younger, then we invite you to contact our office today and schedule a consultation with one of our Med spa professionals.

Transformation Facelift before your treatment?

 There are many things you should do to prepare, and many things you will be required to avoid, before your facelift, and in anticipation of your facelift recovery. The Med spa professional should provide you with specific pre-procedure instructions to follow regarding eating, drinking, medications, and hygiene. Failing to follow your instructions can put you at risk so be sure to ask for clarification if you don’t understand.

  • Don’t make any drastic changes to your diet.
  • Avoid foods with high amounts of salt before your procedure
  • Don’t Smoke! Smoking alters blood flow
  • Do tell us about any medication you are taking.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol in the days beforehand
  • Do make and keep your follow up appointments

If you or someone you know is looking for a non-invasive facelift procedure, come to Better You Spas! We have a team of professional and caring staff who are ready to help you look your best! Call a professional from our office today or visit us online to book an appointment.

Full Face Lift in Chicago, IL

Full Face Lift for Face & Neck lifting

Face & Neck lifting and contouring lasts 12 months


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Mini Face Lift for Forehead and Eyes in Chicago, IL

Forehead and Eyes Skin tightening and lifting

Forehead and Eyes Skin tightening and lifting lasts 12 months


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Mini Face Lift for Cheeks and Chin Tightening in Chicago, IL

Mini Face Lift for Cheeks & Chin

Cheeks & Chin Lifted and tightened – Lasts 12 months


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Mini Face Lift for Neck Tightening in Chicago, IL

Mini Face Lift for Neck Tightening

Neck Tightening – Lasts 12 months – House Call


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